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Friday, August 27, 2010

Journal: Tie Dye & Silk Screening

How to do it?

Tie Dye = First, get a white, clean fabric. Second, tie it with some rubbers around the fabric according to your design. (Tying the rubbers will cause an uneven dye on your fabric) The place where you put the rubbers will not be colored by the dye. Third, you dye each part of the section that you had separate with the rubbers that surrounds it. (Only if you want your fabric to have different colors in each section) Dye it one by one in different dye colors each.

Silk Screening = To do silk screening, first you need to prepare the screens that had been arrange according to the colors of design you want to make. Second, put the different color paint above each screen, also according to the color that you want for each design that had been arranged to the screen. Third, you make the paint even in every section of the screen that you’re using with a flat board and prepare the fabric under the screen. Fourth, pull and slide the flat board across the screen. Fifth, let it dry, and then to do the other part of the design, you put the screen on top of the fabric again (make sure it’s in the same position like the screen before), after that you do all the steps all over again until you’re done with your design.

Materials & Tools Needed?

Tie Dye = A clean fabric, color dyes, rubbers

Silk Screening = Screen, a flat small board, a clean fabric, paint, a sticky place where you can put your fabric on so your fabric won’t slip and your design won’t be ruined because of the misplacement of each parts of your design.

Tips to be successful?

Tie Dye =
- Tie the rubber around the fabric neatly as the rubber that surrounds the fabric will block the dye from coming and dyeing the fabric.
- I recommend to use different and bright colors so your fabric will be more attractive.

Silk Screening =
- Spread the paint evenly.
- When pulling the board towards you, push it down evenly so when the paint goes to the fabric, it will also be even.

What did you learn from the activity?

Tie Dye = From this activity, I learned that doing tie dye can also use more than one color. It is done by dyeing only one color to each section that had been separated by the rubbers that surround the fabric. (It kind of creates a circle)

Silk Screening = I learned that doing silk screening is hard and takes quite a time too. It’s not really easy as the power used to push and pull the board across the screen must be even. Also, the screen must be prepared first. From this activity too, I learned that silk screening does not relate anything with silk. Instead, it only relates with paint, screen, fabric, and board.

How would you do it differently if you do again?

Tie Dye = I’ll do this tie dye carefully and neatly as the one that really matters in the process of tie dyeing is actually only the wrapping of rubbers around the fabric and dyeing it carefully on each of the color dye.

Silk Screening = I’ll do it differently next time by making the paint even in every side of the board and also push it evenly so the paint could get to the fabric evenly too. This is because the one that I did last time, the paint that goes to my shirt isn’t even throughout the design. Some parts have thick layers of pain on it and some don’t.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

10 Aspects of Life in Papua Barat

Research Notes

Name: Jennifer Class: 8.2 Subject: DT

Project Title: Aspects of Life in Papua Barat

1. Tourism Places:

Taman Nasional Teluk Cendrawasih

Taman Nasional Teluk Cendrawasih yang berada di Kabupaten Manokwari dan Paniai adalah taman nasional perairan laut terluas di Indonesia. Memasuki taman nasional tersebut pun tidak membutuhkan tiket atau uang. Tempat ini terdiri dari 0,9% pantai, 3,8% pulau-pulau, 5,5% karang, dan 89,8% lautan. Lautan yang luas pun menjadikan wisata bahari menjadi wisata yang paling mencolok dari taman ini. Terdapat binatang laut seperti keong cowries, strombidae, kerucut, dan triton terompet di kawasan wisata ini.

Tempat wisata ini memiliki keunikan tersendiri. Taman Nasional Teluk Cendrawasih diatur dengan cara mengelompokkan pulau-pulau sesuai dengan tempat wisata yang ada di setiap pulau tersebut. Oleh sebab itu, banyak sekali aktifitas yang bisa dilakukan dan dinikmati di taman nasional ini! Aktifitas menyelam ada di Pulau Nusrowi, Yoop, dan Mioswaar, melihat-lihat flora dan fauna ada juga di pulau Rumberpon, menjelajahi suatu goa tersedia di Pulau Mioswaar, dan masih banyak lagi!

Lokasi Taman
Nasional Teluk Cendrawasih

Aktifitas menyelam

Taman Alam

Taman alam yang terletak di Distrik Sorong Timur memiliki beragam jenis pohon, dan binatang yang dapat dikunjungi. Berkisar 53 jenis kayu yang bisa dilihat di taman tersebut, diantaranya adalah merbau, matoa, dll. Sebagian dari satwa yang ada di taman ini adalah burung kakatua putih, kakatua hitam, nuri, dan kuskus. Selain itu, adanya taman ini membawa dampak baik bagi manusia maupun alam. Taman alam ini bertujuan untuk penelitian para ilmuan, melestarikan hutan Indonesia, dan juga untuk penghasilan tambahan daerah.

Taman alam wisata ini dikelola Pemprov Papua Barat dan juga Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (KSDA). Luasnya kurang lebih adalah 945,9 hektar.

Cape Kri

Kabupaten Raja Ampat memiliki wisata bahari yang sangat indah. Terdapat setengah dari jenis-jenis karang dunia, sekitar 700 jenis moluska, dan 1,104 jenis ikan karang di Taman Air tersebut. Kabupaten Raja Ampat ini memiliki beberapa pantai terbaik di Indonesia, tetapi yang paling difavoritkan para pengunjung adalah Cape Kri. Tempat wisata ini memiliki keindahan bawah laut yang sangat luar biasa. Berbagai jenis binatang, seperti hiu karang, bintang laut, dan yang lainnya bisa ditemukan di Cape Kri. Maka dari itu, Cape Kri menjadi tempat menyelam yang paling terkenal di Kabupaten Raja Ampat.

Bagi yang belum begitu ahli dalam bidang menyelam, jangan khawatir karena tempat ini juga menyediakan aktifitas untuk bersnorkling. Lokasi Cape Kri juga tidak begitu jauh dari pusat kota, jadi tidak butuh waktu lama untuk tiba di tempat ini.


- “Taman Nasional Teluk Cendrawasih.” 2 August 2010. <>

- “Taman Nasional Teluk Cendrawasih.” 2010. 2 August 2010. <,indonesian/ >

- IKP. “Sorong: Taman Wisata Alam Dibahas.” 2008. 8 Agustus 2010. <>

- Balai Besar Papua Barat. “Taman Wisata Alam Sorong.” Ditjen PHKA - Departemen Kehutanan. 2010. 9 Agustus 2010.

- New Indonesia. “Di manakah ini…ya ini milik kita..Raja Ampat, Irian Jaya, West Papua Indonesia.” 2008. 5 August 2010. <>

- “Operation Leatherback.” 5 August 2010.<>

- “Raja Ampat, Wisata Bahari Terbaik.” Majalah Diving dan Kelautan Indonesia. 2008. 4 Agustus 2010. < >

- “Sisi Lain Eksotisme Indonesia.” 2009. 4 Agustus 2010. <>

- “Wisata Bahari.” Bataviase. 2010. 4 August 2010. < >

2. Art:

- Noken Bag

- Asmat Art


- “Seni Budaya.” Kompas Gramedia. 2 August 2010. <>

- “Asmat People.” 2010. 4 August 2010. <>

- Balaputradewa. “Asmat People.” 2008. 5 August 2010. <>

3. Religion:

The majority religion in Papua Barat is first, Christianity, then Catholic, then Moslem.


- Sekretariat Negara Republik Indonesia. “Social And Cultural West Papua Province.” 2008. 3 August 2010.<>

4. Architecture and Housing:

- Honai/ Kari Wari


- Adjisaka, A. “Mengenal Budaya Nusantara.” Bekasi. PT. Wahyumedia. 2004.

- Saragi, R. “SMAKBO Indonesia.” 2009. 5 August 2010. <>

5. Map and Geographical Information:

- Coordinates of Papua Barat: 0-4° S 124- 132° E

- Papua Barat is a province that has lots of mountains, adventurous jungles, relaxing beaches, amazing rivers, and lakes. Even, Papua Barat has the most “thick” jungle in the world.

Papua Barat’s geographical condition


- Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Papua Barat. “Provinsi Papua Barat.” 2010. 3 August 2010. <>

- Indonesia Expedition. “Irian Jaya – Papua.” 2007. 3 August 2010. <>

- “Papua Barat Photos: Pictures of Papua Barat, Indonesia.” 5 August 2010. <>

6. Climate:

- The climate in Papua Barat is humid as it is a tropical island. This picture below shows the humidity of this province, Papua Barat.


- Indonesia Expedition. “Irian Jaya – Papua.” 2007. 3 August 2010. <>

- PT. Lombok Tropic Holidays Indonesia. “West Papua Island Travel Guides.” 2007. 5 August 2010. <>

7. Traditional Dances:

- Tari Perang

- Tari Suanggi


- Adjisaka, A. “Mengenal Budaya Nusantara.” Bekasi. PT. Wahyumedia. 2004.

- BandungBox. “Portal Informasi Kota JayapuraBOX Traveling and Entertainment.” 5 August 2010. <>

- FatalErr0R. “Tari-tarian Papua.” 2009. 5 August 2010. <>

8. Tribes:

- Papua has 193 tribes. Some of them are Asmat, Arfak, Aitinyo, Agast, Ayamaru, Mandacan, Biak, and Sentani.


Kenji. “Adat Istiadat Papua Barat.” 2010. 3 August 2010.<>

9. Souvenirs

- Dani tribe’s statue art.

- Asmat Art.

- Noken bag.


- Papua Art. “Patung Wamena (Rp.350.000 sepasang).” 2010. 3 August 2010.<>

- “Seni Budaya.” Kompas Gramedia. 2 August 2010. <>

- “Asmat People.” 2010. 4 August 2010. <>

10. Traditional Musics:

- Yamko Rambe Yamko

- Apuse


Adjisaka, A. “Mengenal Budaya Nusantara.” Bekasi. PT.Wahyumedia. 2004.